Sunday, August 14, 2011

Recycle It!

I started this quilt top some months before I actually assembled it and started the first quilting stitches on 4 July 2009.  The material for this quilt was gathered from my dad's worn out button down shirts.  I had him save them up for me for probably close a year, maybe more before I finally was able to find just the right pattern for them.  I found this pattern at one of the bestest Quilt Pattern Site on the intertoobs:  
 The pattern I purchased was: "Scrap Squares" which is still available for sale in the Tiny Store.  Support the site - buy a pattern or make a donation, please.

The batting is a old woven wool blanket that had come to my possession from who knows I have the great fortune of being "the obtainer."  That is I have a tendency to see usefulness in the mundane and often am able to provide others with stuff they never knew they were looking for.  LOL.
Moose on the loose!

The backing material was harder to find as I wanted something with a moose flavour as my dad is into moose.  Who would have ever guessed?  It was by chance and happenstance that I was at Hancock Fabrics in Lincoln and there it was...the fabric I had been looking for for the back!  I bought a couple yards and then I was set.

I recall it was an early summer day before I started working at my current job I cleared a space in my living room, turned on an episode of NCIS and started putting this quilt together.

It was that 4th of July, the first holiday I volunteered to work at my then new job and I have not looked back.  It took about a month or so total to quilt.  It's about three and a half feet wide by nearly six feet long.  It's a LONG lap quilt.

The colours are a little washed out here, it's actually quite vibrant.
 Peach Out, Apricots!

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