Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Quilts

Lately I've been on a kick to make baby quilts. 

Okay, it's not really a kick, nor has it been lately, but I have been making baby quilts. 

My colour palate has been black, white and red.  Unusual, yes, but according to research infants can see red, black and white and other research suggests that large areas of these colours or patterns of these colours can help in developing spatial areas in the brain.  Cool, hunh? 

As per my usual, pictures will be forthcoming...stay tuned.

Yours with a stitch and a smile,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This is just a test, do not be alarmed, this is just a test.

Testes 123, testes 123...

Yeah, I'm a twelve year old at heart, that one never gets old.  NEVAH!

Just want to see how this bloggy thing looks like.

Oh yeah, be sure to check me out at: come on down and see what's on the Slab!

Peach Out Apricots,