Sunday, August 14, 2011

Boldly Quilting Where I've Never Quilted Before!

Still strippin'

Thought that might get your attention.

I originally saw the design for this quilt in an advert in one of my roommate's quilt magazines.  Being the cheap skate that I am, I decided to wing it on my own and give it a little twist.  The results were this quilt.  Since I did not have the guidance of the instructions I went about this design a little differently.  I looked thru my stash to decide the width of the strips and then just sort of started sewing and piecing. 

 The quilt went together surprisingly quick and I was able to take it to work and pin it that same day.  Good thing I showed it off before I actually fully pinned it as I had managed to screw up the flow of the lines and had to rip out and hand piece a large section of the quilt back together.  Thank goodness it was a slow day.  ;) 

Once again I used the tumbling cows on red field for my backing - effectively using up the remaining stash of this delightful fabric. Well worth it for such a bold quilt. 

Sometimes you can shout with a whisper.  I feel the colour scheme and design of this quilt does just that. I hope the receiving child person enjoys this quilt as much as I did creating it. 
Go Bold or Go Home!

Peach out, Apricots.

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