Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 and the End of Days.

Okay, so 2012 didn't end on the 21st of December like the Mayan Oreo calendar would have suggested.  31 December does bring an end of my creative year and ushers in a new beginning full of promise and things to come!

In the month of December Operation Dungeon Do Over has been successfully embraced and I have managed to weed through all the cardboard boxes of cotton fabrics!  The contents of which have been measured, labeled, folded, cut or otherwise started in the "process."   I do have an abudance of fabric left to be cut and put into their respective shoe boxes according to strip width, but the greater lengths have been appropriately assigned to their proper containers. 

Cleaning last night revealed several hidden caches of stashes.  Including a cache of cotton strippets and bits of stuff that were promptly sewn into a couple pet beds.  Another cache revealed a generous helping of fleece confetti which is destined to become even more pet beds!  The big surprise was a bin full of cotton fabric waiting to be organised into my new system. I consider this the perfect opportunity to test my new system.  I still have the colour bins to sort through and repurpose, but there is light at the end of a long, dark, fabric tunnel.

Plans for 2013
Tame/Train the Fleece beast.
Cut less than 12" strips to usable sizes per Bonnie Hunter Scrap User's System recommendations.
Continue to process fabric as it is discovered/comes in.
Continue to organise The Dungeon into a usable environment (keep studying Teresa Rawson's space).
Get over my thing about Triangles.
Learn to do applique!
Learn to paper piece!
Learn to free motion quilt!
Blog more!

Slowly, as my Dungeon is being molded into a place I want to work and be creative this will be a good learning experience and a chance to grow and develop into the quilter I want to become.  In the meantime this will be a long, slow path full of trials and errors, but in the end it will prove to be a wonderful journey and one for which I will be proud.

Peach Out, Apricots! 

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