Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No News Is Good News.

Ironing strips

My apologies for my long delay in checking in, however the time away has been well-spent. Progress is being made.   Slowly the dungeon is getting whipped into shape.  I've been going through more boxes and getting rid of fabric I know I will never use, which has been wonderful.  Freeing up boxes and more importantly space to allow for the existing fabric to flex and flow into the space.  It's liberating to allow myself to "throw away" fabric. 

Checking in on the Bonnie Hunter Scrap Users Project:

Less than 12" strips destined to be squares and bricks
 So far I am done with the 1.5" condos...all sixteen of them! I went through and took out the less than 12" strips and cut these into squares and bricks. I opted not to sort them by colour, only by size. The 2" condos have been started. 

No changes at this time, just finding more and more bits and pieces and trying to get them corraled.
No real changes, just keeping up with what is being found.  I pinned a couple quilts and rather than toss the scraps on the pile, I went ahead and cut them into the proper widths.  Good for me.

Managed to sort out my thread into hand quilting, sewing thread (vintage and new), embroidery thread and specialty threads.  It's great to go to the shelf and get exactly what I need without having to tear the house apart.  The rewards make the work to get to this point so much richer.

**** The pressing table has been created! ****



I decided to sacrifice a solid wooden table and attach one of the leaves to make the topper long enough to cover the space. I used an acrylic blanket covered by a wool blanket to create the cushioning for the ironing board.  This was covered with a large piece of canvas washed but not dried to be folded under on the edges.  The entire thing was ironed until dry and I am pleased to share that this surface is PERFECT for laying out quilts, pinning, ironing and it's a great staging area for sorting stuff.  I delight in ironing on it everyday!

Throughout this whole process I am learning a lot about myself and my collecting tendencies.  For those who know me, I hail from the school of "Waste Not Want Not" and have the genetic predisposition for being a collector/obtainer.  Mostly because this behaviour is constantly reinforced by people asking me if I have a this, that or another and usually I do.  As a part of this whole process I have come to the conclusion I have entirely too much shit and too many hobbies.  But, what can you do? Life is too short not to enjoy it.
Each day I try to do a little, and after a while it really adds up to something big! 

Peach Out, Apricots.
heart, Morg

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