Monday, July 4, 2011

Angel for a little Girl

All you need is love, love.
When my friend, Aerial Ariel said she was going to have another baby I was so happy for her.  She and her husband are blessed with a bundle of curly blonde joy and had tried for years to have a second baby.  When all looked like it wasn't to be and they had resigned themselves to a family of three, the miracle of life once again blessed their family.  Baby on the way, better get a quilt started!  ;)

I asked Ariel if she knew the gender.  She said they weren't going to find out, but then she told me and I got started.  I knew I was going to do either a Winken, Blinken and Nod - if it was going to be a boy child, or an Angel if is was to be a girl.  As you can see it was a girl.  This is the same artist who did the Cow and Winken panels.
For Baby Girl Pederson

I knew I would have to search high and low to find the perfect backing material.  I wanted something that would be loud, and hide the fact that I was going to be stitching mainly in black, but I didn't want black for the back.  On a visit to my parent's I went to one of my favest Quilt/Needlecraft/Bead stores and there it was!
The perfect backing material!
Lo and behold!  There it was!  You know the right fabric when it comes along, it just sort of jumps out at you and says, "Tah DAH!"  This great teal with white and black polka dots did just that.  Like Tom Cruise in Risky Business, this fabric was a party waiting for an opportunity.  An opportunity I could not pass up and who better to give this gift to but a new baby.

Party on...Excellent!

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